1999: Foundation of Bentonite Group

2000: Obtaining the license and start of development of bentonite clay deposit “The 10th Khutor” in the Republic of Khakassia.

2001: Launch of bentonite clay activation line in the Republic of Khakassia.
Purchase of the plant in Bryansk.

2002: Launch of bentonite powder production line in the Republic of Khakassia.

2003: Launch of bentonite clay modification line in Bryansk.
Launch of bentonite clay activation line in Kurgan Region.

2004: Launch of bentonite powder production line in Kurgan Region.
Start of project “Cat litter” and creation of Leading Trade House in Bryansk for selling cat litters.

2005: Launch of cat litter production line in the Republic of Khakassia.

2006: Foundation of Joint Azerbaijan-Russian venture AzRosPromInvest LLC.

2007: Start of processing bentonite raw materials in Ilsky Zavod Utyazhelitel – NPO Burenie JSC in Krasnodar Region.

2008: Start of bentonite powder production plant in Kurgan Region. Launch of bentonite clay activation line and powder production line in Azerbaijan plant.

2009: Start of regular export of bentonite powders produced by AzRosPromInvest LLC to Russian and Belorussian foundries.

2010: First delivery of bentonite products to Moscow Metrostroi (subway construction) as a part of import phase out of German and Greek products.

2011: Modernization of bentonite powder and bentonite granules production in Kurgan Region.

2012: Foundation of BentIzol LLC in Kurgan Region for production of bentonite clay liners. Foundation of Biorost LLC in Moscow for production of feed additives for farm animals.

2013: Delivery of a pilot batch of bentonite clay liners to SurgutNeftegaz OJSC.

2014: Purchase of major share of stock of Khakassky Bentonit OJSC and merge with Argillit LLC into a new company Bentonite of Khakassia LLC (Republic of Khakassia).
Bentonite OJSC (Kurgan Region) was the first and the only company in Russia that obtained license of American Petroleum Institute (API).

2015: BentIzol obtained the certificate of conformity to EU standards.

2016: Bentonite OJSC was rearranged into Bentonite of Kurgan LLC.

2017: Purchase of share fraction in Altaiskie mineraly LLP in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Foundation of StroiGidroIzolyatsia LLC for performance of construction installation works related to waterproof finishing.

2018: Certification as per version ISO 9001-2015 instead of ISO 9001-2008.

2019: Purchase of share fraction in Altai Geological and Ecological Institute LLP in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

2020: The pharmaceutical project obtained state registration for the first proprietary biologically active supplement based on “smectite”-montmorillonite named Smectite-Plus.

2021: Ilsky Zavod Utyazhelitel – NPO Burenie JSC was renamed to Krasnodar Plant of Industrial Minerals JSC.

2022: Purchase of share fraction in the charter capital of Sorbent LLP (Republic of Kazakhstan).
Altaiskie mineraly LLP was renamed to Tagbent LLP.

2023: A unique mill complex for production of bentonite powder for horizontal directorial drilling (HDD) was launched in Krasnodar Plant of Industrial Minerals JSC.

2024: Bentonite Group holds the leading positions in the market of Russia and CIS countries and is in the top 5 world manufacturers of bentonite products.