Raw-material base
A large mineral resources base ensures stability of bentonite production process, volumes and product quality. Expansion of the raw material base is one of the strategic objectives of Bentonite Group. Therefore, Bentonite Group conducts exploration works not only in the area of еру current production infrastructure, but also expands its licence portfolio in new promising regions.
Bentonite Group enterprises have licences for geological exploration and development of a number of unique bentonite clay deposits in Russia (Republic of Khakassia, Kurgan Region), as well as in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. The total reserves amount to more than 80 million tonnes. At current production level, this guarantees more than 100 years of production period.
Bentonite clay is extracted by open-pit mining. When developing a bentonite quarry, interests of all consumers of the wide range of bentonite products with individual quality requirements are taken into account. Therefore, bentonite is extracted using a selective method with detailed distribution of raw materials by application areas. For this purpose, geological and process mapping and operational exploration are performed before mining operations and during the extraction process.
Deposits in Russia:
The 10th Khutor, Karasukskoye, Bentoiskoye, Solnechnoye, Karatigeiskoye, Zayachy Log are located in the Republic of Khakassia.
Zyryanskoye, Izmailovskoye in Kurgan Region.
Deposits in CIS:
Taganskoye deposit is located in Kazakhstan and provides a widest range of high-quality bentonite competitive to the best world analogues and even superior in terms of certain parameters.
Dash-Sakhalinskoe deposit is in Azerbaijan.