Other activities
Bentonite Group includes companies, which main activities is not related to bentonite clay extraction.
SpetsPolimer SPA
SpetsPolimer SPA is a Russian developer and manufacturer of innovative protection coatings used at facilities of oil and gas, and construction complexes of Russia and Commonwealth countries.
Stroygidroizolyatsiya LLC
Stroygidroizolyatsiya LLC is a structural sub-division of Bentonite Group providing a set of waterproofing services.
SORBENT LLP is a pharmaceutical enterprise in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Within 25 years of the company's activity, based on results of numerous studies, an exclusive medicinal product (Tagansorbent ® brand) was created, consisting of natural mineral enterosorbents.
Solid Fuels and Mineral Raw Materials Preparation Institute LLC (IOTTiMS)
Solid Fuels and Mineral Raw Materials Preparation Institute LLC (IOTTiMS) is an institute for the development and implementation of new technologies and equipment for enrichment, briquetting and drying of coal, non-ferrous and ferrous metal ores, processed clays, crushed stone, and mineral raw materials.
Altai Geological and Ecological Institute LLP
Altai Geological and Ecological Institute LLP is an institute in the Republic of Kazakhstan.
BIOROST LLC is a manufacturer of high-quality food additives and other products made of bentonite clay extracted in private deposits, successfully used in agriculture and wine making industry.