NEOBENT B is a bentonite clay powder for the manufacture of paper web.

NEOBENT B helps to retain fine fibre on the net, increase drainage and improve the homogeneity of the fabric.

It is produced according to TU 08.12.22-029-41219638-2022:

NEOBENT B grade 1 is recommended for production of uncoated high-quality paper;

NEOBENT B grade 2 is recommended for production of kraft sack paper, cardboard.

Technical characteristics:

IndicatorsGrade 1Grade 2
AppearanceLight grey to light greyish-pink loose powderGrey to brown loose powder
Bulk density, g/cm30.7 – 0.90.7 – 0.9
Moisture, %, max10,010,0
Grain-size, %
Sieve residue 45 µm, max
pH of 3 % aqueous suspension9.0 – 11.09.0 – 11.0
Whiteness, units, min70,0