BIOROST LLC is a manufacturer of high-quality food additives and other products made of bentonite clay extracted in private deposits, successfully used in agriculture and wine making industry.
The company closely cooperates with the leading scientific and research institutes, such as: Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “North Caucasus Federal Scientific Center for Horticulture, Viticulture, and Winemaking” (Krasnodar), K.I. Skryabin Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology (Moscow), Federal State Budgetary Institution State Center of Agrochemical Service “Stavropol” (Stavropol), etc.
Main products manufactured by BIOROST:
- Antidiarrheal product Afluxid® is used to prevent and treat diarrhea in young agricultural stock, replenish the number of electrolytes in the body;
- Food additives MaxiSorb®, ToxiNon® are designed for adsorption of mycotoxins in the bodies of animals and birds;
- Litter dryer BioVentum® is a deodorant and disinfectant, decreases the ammonia and hydrogen sulfide content in the room; it is also used as a dusting for piglets;
- Clay Bioelement® for horses normalizes blood circulation in tissues, decreases the joints edema, cools tensed muscles of horses legs after practice;
- Bentonites for wine-making industry BentoVinum Gold®, Bentovin®, Vinobent® are used for clarification and stabilization of high-quality wines, juices, worts and wine materials;
- Feeding bentonite is a compound feed raw material for manufacturing feeds and food additives, improves accessibility of nutrients, eliminate salts of heavy metals out of the body, is used for bonding granules.