A unique complex moulding material (compound) consisting of bentonite grade P1T1A and special carbon-containing components. Bentacarb® is manufactured according to TU 08.12.22-013-01424676-2019 and is designed to be used as an anti-adherent and anti-shrinking binder in green sand moulds for the manufacturing of iron castings. Currently, ten different grades of Benacarb® compound are manufactured. Carbon content in Betacarb® product of different grades is from 15.0% to 50%. Bentacarb® manufacturing uses highly heat-resistant bentonite.

Main advantages of Bentacarb® series:

  • high binding and anti-adherent properties;
  • reduction of the total consumption of moulding materials (bentonite and carbon anti-adherent additive);
  • reduction of hopper and dispensing systems in mixture preparation;
  • elimination of operation of additives preliminary mixing directly at the foundry;
  • обеспечение качественного распределения компонентов в формовочной смеси;
  • improving the castings knockout from moulds;
  • prevention of spontaneous combustion of carbon-containing anti-adherent additives during storage in warehouses and in supply silos;
  • optimization of logistics issues.

High heat resistance, strength and anti-adherent efficiency of Bentacarb® materials allow:

  • reduce the consumption of moulding components,
  • reduce concentration of harmful substances emitted to the atmosphere by foundry enterprises,
  • improve the ecological conditions in the working area,
  • increase the surface quality and reduce the cast iron production cost.

The new binder technology does not require modification of process equipment. Additive can be added to the moulding mixture both dry and in a water suspension.

Based on the results of the conducted production tests and analysis of technical and economic indicators, the products of Bentacarb series have been introduced into the production of cast iron at a large number of enterprises as the main binder and anti-adherent component for preparing sand and clay mixtures.

Main technical characteristics of Bentacarb® complex binder material

Particle size distribution:
Residue on sieve No. 04, %, max
Residue on sieve No. 016, %, max
Moisture, %6.0 to 10.0
Green compressive strength, kgf/cm2, min 0,9
Tensile strength in the moisture condensation area, kgf/cm2, min 0,028
Colloidality, %, min10,0
Water absorption, units, min1,5